
Wei He, Violin




Wei He, Violin

     Violinist, Dame Camilla Wicks as "a genuine artist who has boundless imagination", Wei He has given critically acclaimed solo and chamber music recitals in major concert halls in Shanghai, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Manchester, Oslo, Seattle, Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Honolulu and San Francisco among others. Mr. He has collaborated in chamber music with members of Juilliard, Concord String Quartets, Francesco and Peabody Trios as well as many international artists.  As founding member of New China Trio, Wei He has won top prizes at 1996 Yellow Spring and Carmel International Chamber Music Competitions. Mr. He had played and toured with San Francisco Symphony for two seasons. Wei He received his early music training at the middle school of Sichuan Conservatory of Music with Chen Wen Yuan. He came to the States for his undergraduate study with Eugene Gratovich at University of Texas at Austin. He finished his graduate study with Mark Sokol and Camilla Wicks at San Francisco Conservatory of Music. A champion of contemporary music, Wei He co-founded Bridge Chamber Virtuosi (BCV) with principle players of San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. BCV has worked with as well as made premiere recordings of new works by prominent contemporary Chinese American composers such as Chen Yi, Bright Sheng and Lei Liang. Passionate about teaching, Wei He joined violin faculty at San Francisco Conservatory of Music at age 26. Called "A masterful teacher" by San Francisco examiner, students of Wei He have won numerous prizes and awards at national and international competitions including Menuhin, Bucharest, Andrea Postacchini and Klein International Violin Competitions, Concert Artists Guild, Astral Artist National Auditions, Fischoff and Plowman Chamber Music Competitions among others. Some of them have gone on winning distinguished grants such as Avery Fisher Career Grant and hold residency at  Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Two. Other students have soloed with leading symphony orchestras such as Philadelphia Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, China Philharmonic, Shanghai Symphony and Korean Broadcasting Symphony. Mr. He frequently gives master classes at conservatories in Asia including recent classes at Shanghai Conservatory, Beijing's Central Conservatory, China Conservatory, Seoul National University, Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts, Seoul Arts School and Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore. Wei He has also served as Fulbright Senior Specialist to Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Currently Professor of Violin and Chair of the String Department at San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Mr. He is also a faculty member at University of California at Berkeley. He teaches during the summer at Beijing International Music Festival Academy and Liandu Music Festival in Zhejiang. He has also been artist faculty at the Valdres Sommersymfoni in Norway and Icicle Creek Music Festival in Washington. Mr, He has served as co-Artistic Director of San Francisco/Shanghai International Chamber Music Festival since 2011. Wei He plays a Giovanni Grancino violin made in 1687. He lives in the Bay Area with his wife, and they both enjoy running and photography.


웨이허, 바이올린

   바이올리니스트 Dame Camilla Wicks 로 부터 "무한한 상상력을 가진 진실한 연주자"라는 극찬을 받은 바 있는 웨이허는 유럽아시아미국 등 세계유수의 메이져 공연장에서 리사이틀을 펼친 바 있으며 Juilliard, Concord String Quartets, Francesco, 그리고 Peabody Trios 의 멤버들과도 챔버콘서트를 가졌고뉴차이나트리오의 원년멤버로서 1996 Yellow Spring and Carmel International Chamber Music Competition에서 1위를 하였다.

   Wei He는 어린 시절 Sichuan Conservatory of Music부속학교에서 Chen Wen Yuan의 사사로 음악세계를 탐구하기 시작했으며미국으로 건너가 Eugene Gratovich 사사로 University of Texas at Austin에서 학사를, Mark Sokol Camilla Wicks의 사사로 San Francisco Conservatory of Music에서 석사학위를 받았으며특히 현대음악에서 두각을 나타내는 그는 Bridge Chamber Virtuosi (BCV) 의 창립멤버로서 특히 현대중국음악 작곡가들의 곡을 세계초연하며 동서양의 현대음악발전에 큰 기여를 하였다

   26세에 샌프란시스코콘소바토리에 임용된 이후뛰어난 연주자이자 열정적인 교육자로서 명성을떨쳐온 Wei He의 제자들은 루마니아메뉴힌포스타치니 컴페티션 등 국제청소년콩쿠르에서 다수 우승하였으며에이버리피셔상 수상 및 미국메이져 오케스트라와 협연하는 등 의미있는 성과를 보이며 그를 거장 선생님이라 부른다. . Wei He는 현재 San Francisco Conservatory of Music및 University of California at Berkeley의 교수이자서울대학교상하이음악원베이징음악원,홍콩공연예술학교 등 아시아 유수의 음대의 초청으로 마스터클래스를 펼치고 있으며,베이징국제페스티벌리안두음악축제를 비롯 아시아 및 노르웨이그리스등의 페스티벌에서 교수진으로 초청받아 연주와 티칭을 겸하고 있다. 2011년부터 San Francisco/Shanghai International Chamber Music Festival의 공동 예술감독으로 활약 중인 Wei He 는 1687년산 Giovanni Grancino violin 으로 사용한다.

何为, 小提琴



     7岁学琴,师从于四川音乐学院夏敬熙教授。1985年考入川音附中,师从于陈文源教授。1991年获德州大学奥斯汀分校全额奖学金赴美留学,师从于尤金·格拉托维奇教授(Eugene Gratovich ),1995年,获全额奖学金进入旧金山音乐学院主修室内乐专业,师从于美国小提琴传奇人物卡密拉·威尔斯(Camilla Wicks.1997年获得旧金山音乐学院颁发的室内乐演奏家文凭。毕业后,担任旧金山交响乐团第一小提琴。27岁被聘为旧金山音乐学院小提琴教授,成为该校最年轻的教授。2007年创立 “桥梁室内乐大师重奏组”。2012年担任旧金山上海室内乐音乐节联合艺术总监。

     作为一名活跃的独奏家和室内乐音乐家,其创办的“新中国三重奏”曾获得1996年美国举行的Yellow Springs 国际室内乐比赛,Carmel 国际室内乐比赛特等奖。合作过的艺术家有:小提琴家 Robert Mann、大提琴家Nathaniel Rosen,钢琴家Seth Knopp 等,曾参加BBC proms 音乐节,瑞士琉森音乐节等。

     教学方面,何为的学生遍布美国的音乐学院及大学的音乐系,其学生频频获国际大奖,包括在美国举办的 Concert Artists GuildAstral Artists' National Audition,以及2012在东京举办的梅纽因国际小提琴比赛。


他的演奏充滿 命激情並能將每 個 符 最美妙的 式表達出 Robert Commanday,舊 古典 之聲(San Francisco Classical Voice)

“他的演奏充满生命激情并能将每一个音符用最美妙的方式表达出来”-Robert Commanday,旧金山古典音乐之声。

“他有罕见的演奏才能和对音乐的高度敏感,并且是为数不多的可以将演奏和教学融会贯通的艺术家”-小提琴大师Camilla Wicks

“大师级别的老师”-Stephen Smoliar,旧金山观察报